Leaving Familiar
Perhaps you are currently in a season where God is leading you out or away from something familiar?

Quick Tips for Embracing Change
I’m almost four months into a major career change after 16 years with my prior company. I’m a few years into empty nesting amongst other life changes, too — these tips, this poem on this mug (and my faith) capture how I’ve been able to thrive despite wrestling the natural fears that accompany change…

Make Room for Positive Risks
Honestly - it’s been a busy season. And definitely a busy week. I actually had to talk myself out of bailing on this wonderful connection a few times because of the mountain of things I need to do.And then there’s that voice that tells me I’m crazy to walk into my professional network space talking about my Jesus devotional.But God opens doors for a reason…

It’s Time To Step Back
When we’re too close to something, it can totally encapsulate our view. We can find it difficult to see anything else. This can cause feelings of bewilderment and overwhelm. Are you dealing with such a circumstance? Perhaps it’s time to step back. To take your eyes off of this very difficult thing, and to shift your eyes to a place of peace…

Remember Where Your Help Comes From
Life can be so hard, and it seems to add layer upon layer on top of what seems like an endless winter. Who wouldn’t feel frustrated and disheartened by that? But…I (we) are called to be different. While we still will walk through difficulty, we can know God is with us…