
I’m Amy, it’s nice to e-meet you! I’m a ragamuffin at best, deeply in need of Jesus every day. I don’t profess to be an expert nor an amazing writer. I’m just someone who can’t escape the nudge within my heart to share honestly in case it may encourage someone to know they’re not alone, they are deeply loved by Jesus, and that hope can be found even in the hardest of times.

I’m a listener, nurturer, and a light-seeker. I love to help others see the good in their story, and to see God’s hand in their every day. I seem to have a gift for seeing the light even in dark seasons, and helping others see the light too. I sometimes write professional development content since my vocational passion is helping people thrive where God has them. I believe that regardless of if you are someone who is a “stay-at-home-___” or you work in a professional capacity, whatever you do matters! And it very much matters to God. You are where you are— on purpose, and for a purpose.

Because I work full time as an HR consultant, I have limited availability but am honored to partner with you for an upcoming ministry event. If you are seeking to book me as a speaker, please reach out via the Contact button at the bottom of this page.

Thank you again for stopping by. I hope this website is a blessing, and to Jesus be all honor! My prayer remains, “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.” (Ps 14:19 NLT)


I love Jesus. I’m a proud Army wife and Army mom. In my spare time when I’m not reading or writing, I love to be outside with my husband. He and I share our humble homestead with two rambunctious Australian Shepherds, a Great Pyrenees puppy, two sweet tabby cats, and an ever shifting number of chickens. Over the years we accidentally discovered we are great at renovating houses, although I love the place we’re currently in and hope we stay for a long long while. If you love personality inventories like me, then here is a list of my scores: Enneagram 2w3, DiSC style Si, Myers Briggs ENFP, and my PI reference profile is Promoter. 


I am a human resources and organizational development professional, with experience in leadership, coaching, and process improvement. Helping others grow and reach their potential is definitely a favorite of mine! My spirit of excellence is driven by a strong desire to honor God in all aspects of my life, especially my work. I truly believe as a Christ-follower, my influence and impact are a part of how I honor Him. My work-life verse is Colossians 3:23. Another fun fact about me professionally is that I have a Masters in Psychology with an Industrial-Organizational Psychology specialization. This degree has equipped me to have a research-based approach to client needs and corporate solutions.

What is “leading from light”?

If you’ve been around this page before you may have noticed was previously titled as Leading From Light. As I continue to release content this website has needed to be updated so it’s easier to find my books and resources. Though Leading from Light is still dear to me and how I live out the days I’ve been gifted with. I believe that everyday, we have the opportunity to be leaders in the spaces where we connect with others. In our workplaces, communities, families — opportunity abounds. Leadership requires intentionality, regardless of if you have a title or not. Leading from light is meant to challenge us to lead from the right source.

Jesus is the light of the world (John 8:12), the source of light in darkness. To lead from light is a call to self-awareness: is our influence fueled by our desire for the spotlight, seeking to get ahead and be the best at all costs? Or—for those of us who are Christ-followers—are we leading from Light? May we remember to honor Jesus in our every day so that we too are light in the darkness (Matthew 5:14-16). So let’s be light! Leading from our source, leading from light. 

Site Credits: Photography headshots by Zach Camp of ZachCamp.com