Motivation in Today’s World
Curious about effective motivation? It’s valuable to realize the carrot / stick approach has long been outdated. Motivation is more deep and complex than that. There are also various theories of human motivation that are relevant and valuable in the workplace. Regardless of which ones you ascribe motivation to, here are some helpful truths…

Navigating Change: But What If I Lose Friends?
After ten years in the same church, God led my husband and I away to search for a new church home. Before moving ahead with this decision we spent months in prayer, fasted, and talked it out often with each other. We processed with wise people we respected, all the while seeking the Lord’s guidance. The scariest part of that obedient yes for me was the impact it would have to my friendship circle…

No Seat at The Table: The Pain of Friendships That End or Never Even Began
I have felt the sting of trying to find a seat at tables that didn’t welcome me. Grieving the loss of what would never be, and sometimes grieving the loss of what was no more…