REST: Choosing Peace, Growth, and Learning Holy Rest [BOOK]
I wrote a book and it is available now via Amazon and Walmart! There’s a special “God-story” that goes along with it that I am excited to share with you. First, a few tidbits about the book… The title of the book is REST: Choosing Peace, Growth, and Learning Holy Rest; it is a monthly women’s devotional with a weekly Bible study woven in. I wrote REST as an encouragement to women because I know others are also tired and needing to remember that rest is holy, necessary, and worth fighting for. REST explores what the Bible says about sabbath, and focuses on how Jesus modeled rest when it comes to mind, body, and soul.
I found this note in my Bible. An intercessor wrote it to me in 2006, and handed it to me during a worship service.
This line leaps at me:
“Let the anointing of Rest, rest upon her.”
Apparently, He has been planting seeds for years…but three years ago the Lord specifically told me my word for the year was rest. This started a journey of studying and focusing on rest that was helping breathe life back into my weary soul. I am a helper and love to give to others of my time and attention, as a result I overcommit. When you couple that tendency with a drive for excellence in everything you do – it’s a recipe for burnout. I was finding that even good things can lead to dangerous results. Jesus knew I had some huge battles ahead of me. He called me to begin the journey of understanding His definition of rest before I desperately needed it. I am so grateful that He knows exactly what we need!
For a long season I led a women’s small group in my home each semester. In January 2020, I felt a stirring in my heart to write a formal devotional study for the group. My group was typically casual and an inviting space for women to connect and build relationships with others. However, God clearly told me it was time to lead these ladies intentionally closer to Him. He would wake me in the middle of the night to give me instructions for the study.
Mapping out initial visions of the book in my prayer journal…
In February 2020, I was attending a simulcast of the IF Gathering in my home. In 2020, the call to action was to note what God was telling you on a key. There I sat in my living room floor among friends, with sharpie and key in hand. God told me to write “WRITE” on one side of it, and “TRUST: just take the step in front of you” on the other. He had told me this year would be full of change; these were both exciting and scary things to note for the future…
Two days later (the end of a 21 day prayer and fasting), God spoke to me and told me to go home and write. I wanted to be obedient, so home I went… Upon arrival, I pulled out the items I had been compiling in my personal study on rest, and set up camp in the living room floor, ready to write. I had spent 2 years devoted to practicing, fighting for, and studying rest and sabbath – and it was time to share those lessons.
(my messy yet cozy writing space, and faithful furry companion Cole The Mini)
I can’t explain this sequence of events other than God, but I’ll try to capture it well enough here. I wrote the bulk of the REST book that day in 3 hours. It flowed through me like a sweet anointed harmony with the Holy Spirit. Everything came together so perfectly. Still, I found myself bewildered because I didn’t know what to do next to get the book printed. However, God had already placed it all into motion. In fact, that morning He had already stirred the designer to ask if she could design it for print! He had provided to me a web designer, book interior and exterior designer and editor without me having to ask!
If you’re keeping track, it all happened within a week! God had told me to take whatever steps were in front of me, provided an editor and designer, and helped me write the book! The design came together swiftly and beautifully as well, I could barely believe this miracle unfolding before me. The local print version arrived just in time for my first group gathering and we began the study in my home just before the world flipped upside down due to COVID-19. We decided to meet via Zoom over the next few months as we continued the study together. It was humbling and beautiful to see how God was speaking to these beautiful ladies that He so loves, through the words He allowed me to pen. And now, that book is ready to share with you, too!
(this is the Print Proof version, hence the Not for Resale ribbon)
We are launching the week of 12/28/20 for the book on Amazon, and hopefully other platforms shortly after. If you or someone you know would be blessed by the book I hope you’ll order a copy! We’re launching it at a low price because I am not out to make a bunch of money off of this. I simply want to get these words into the hands and hearts of all who need it. This book is self-published and self-funded so if the message is speaking to you, it would be an honor if you would share the word about it. It would be amazing too, if you’ll add a review to Amazon. And if you know someone who can’t afford the book but needs the message, please contact me. I’ll share a PDF version with them for free.
To God be all glory and praise for every special blessing He accomplishes through this study!
*******EDIT/UPDATE: The book is LIVE! Click HERE to view and purchase on Amazon!
(originally posted on 12/25/20, repost due to site-reconstruction in 2023)